how to get fresnel diffraction output using freqspace????????i need circles in output which have less frequency near the centre and far away more frequencies...

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
>> dis=10*10^-3;
>> x= [1;150];
>> y=[1;150];
>> [p,q]=freqspace([1 : 150]);
>> [X,Y]=meshgrid(p,q);
>> R=(X.^2 + Y.^2);
>> F = exp((i.*pi.*R)./(Lambda.*dis));
>> mesh(F);
plzzz guys i'm very new to matlab...please help me to get the ouutput
i need circles in output which have less frequency near the centre and far away more frequencies...
i have error like this
Warning: Z must not be a scalar or vector, not rendering surface
Warning: Z must not be a scalar or vector, not rendering surface
Warning: Z must not be a scalar or vector, not rendering surface
Warning: Z must not be a scalar or vector, not rendering surface
Warning: Z must not be a scalar or vector, not rendering surface
Warning: Z must not be a scalar or vector, not rendering surface
another way [
x= [1:4:150];
R=(X.^2 + Y.^2);
F = exp((i.*pi.*R)./(Lambda.*dis));
Error using ==> mesh at 80
X, Y, Z, and C cannot be complex.

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