A colleague gave me this answer, which I have used. I put the following code into the top of my overlay function (print() in my case):
persistent shipped % stores a handle to the shipped MATLAB funtion of the same name
if isempty(shipped)
this = [mfilename '.m']; % the name of function in MATLAB we are shadowing
list = which(this, '-all'); % find all the functions which shadow it
f = strncmp(list, matlabroot, length(matlabroot)); % locate 1st in list under matlabroot
list = list{find(f, 1)}; % extract from list the exact function we want to be able to call
here = cd(list(1:end-length(this))); % temporarily switch to the containing folder
shipped = str2func(this(1:end-2)); % grab a handle to the function
cd(here); % go back to where we came from
The first time it is used it locates the base MATLAB function which is shadowed by the function containing the above code, and creates a handle to the base function which is available for all subsequent calls to use as needed.