I got this error: <Undefined function 'findSpindles' for input arguments of type 'tsd'> using the function below, but I need a tds, how can I fix it?

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My datas are in the format tds (EEG1=tsd (EEG1.t,EEG1.data)) because I need to couple the data with the time. I need to aplicate this function but it doesn't work. The function is below. I'm doing [S, E, M] = findSpindles(EEG1) but apparently I can't. What am I doing wrong? Or how can I fix the function?
function [S, E, M] = findSpindles(EEG, DetectThreshold, LimitThreshold, varargin)
% [S, E, M] = findRipples(Filt_EEG, DetectThreshold, LimitThreshold, varargin) % % INPUTS: % Filt_EEG: EEG tsd % DetectThreshold: Threshold for detection of ripples % LimitThreshold: Threshold for finding the ripple boundaries % % PARAMETERS: % Q1: number of cycles to check to find boundaries % CloseThreshold: Closeness threhshold,if two ripple events are closer than % this, lump them together % MinRippleDuration: discard theta evants shorter than this % OUTPUTS: % S: ts object with ripple events start times % E: ts object with ripple events end times % M: ts object with ripple events peak times
% copyright (c) 1999 Francesco P. Battaglia % This software is released under the GNU GPL % www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html %1
% parameters Q1 = 5; CloseThreshold = 1000 * 10; MinRippleDuration = 1000 * 10;
Extract_varargin; % do it in chunks; MinRippleDuration
Filt_EEG = filter_7Hz(EEG, 7,20);
EEGStart = StartTime(Filt_EEG); EEGEnd = EndTime(Filt_EEG);
% chunk length in timestamps
LChunk = 3000000;
ChStart = EEGStart; ChEnd = min(ChStart + LChunk, EEGEnd); nChunks = (EEGEnd - EEGStart)/LChunk; TRStart = []; TREnd = []; TRMax = []; TRMaxValue = [];
i = 0; h = waitbar(0, 'Find Ripples...');
while ChStart < EEGEnd waitbar(i/nChunks, h);
Ch = Restrict(Filt_EEG, ChStart, ChEnd);
eeg = Data(Ch);
t = Range(Ch, 'ts');
sz = size(eeg);
if sz(1) ~= 1
eeg = eeg'; % we want to work with row vectors
t = t';
de = diff(eeg);
de1 = [de 0];
de2 = [0 de];
%finding peaks
upPeaksIdx = find(de1 < 0 & de2 > 0);
downPeaksIdx = find(de1 > 0 & de2 < 0);
PeaksIdx = [upPeaksIdx downPeaksIdx];
PeaksIdx = sort(PeaksIdx);
Peaks = eeg(PeaksIdx);
Peaks = abs(Peaks);
%when a peaks is above threshold, we detect a ripple
RippleDetectIdx = find(Peaks > DetectThreshold);
DetectDiff = [0 diff(RippleDetectIdx)];
RippleDetectIdx = RippleDetectIdx(find(DetectDiff > 2));
RippleDetectIdx = RippleDetectIdx(find(RippleDetectIdx < length(Peaks)- ...
RippleDetectIdx = RippleDetectIdx(find(RippleDetectIdx > Q1 + 1));
RippleStart = zeros(1, length(RippleDetectIdx));
RippleEnd = zeros(1, length(RippleDetectIdx));
RippleMax = zeros(1, length(RippleDetectIdx));
RippleMaxValue = zeros(1, length(RippleDetectIdx));
for ii = 1:length(RippleDetectIdx)
CP = RippleDetectIdx(ii); % Current Peak
% detect start of the ripple
for j = CP-1:-1:Q1
if all(Peaks(j-Q1+1:j) < LimitThreshold)
RippleStart(ii) = j;
%detect end of ripple
for j = CP+1:length(Peaks)-Q1+1
if all(Peaks(j:j+Q1-1)< LimitThreshold)
RippleEnd(ii) = j;
[RippleMaxValue(ii), RippleMax(ii)] = max(Peaks([RippleStart(ii):RippleEnd(ii)]));
RippleMax(ii) = RippleStart(ii) + RippleMax(ii) - 1;
TRStart = [TRStart t(PeaksIdx(RippleStart))];
TREnd = [TREnd t(PeaksIdx(RippleEnd))];
TRMax = [TRMax t(PeaksIdx(RippleMax))];
TRMaxValue = [TRMaxValue RippleMaxValue];
i = i+1;
ChStart = ChStart + LChunk;
ChEnd = ChEnd + LChunk;
if ChEnd > EEGEnd
ChEnd = EEGEnd;
end close(h); i = 2;
while i <= length(TRStart)
if (TRStart(i) - TREnd(i-1)) < CloseThreshold
TRStart = [TRStart(1:i-1) TRStart(i+1:end)];
TREnd = [TREnd(1:i-2) TREnd(i:end)];
[mx, ix] = max([TRMaxValue(i-1) TRMaxValue(i)]);
TRMax = [TRMax(1:i-2) TRMax(i - 2 + ix) TRMax(i+1:end)];
i = i +1 ;
end %length(TRStart) %length(TREnd) i = 1; while i <= length(TRStart) if(TREnd(i) - TRStart(i)) < MinRippleDuration TRStart = [TRStart(1:i-1) TRStart(i+1:end)]; TREnd = [TREnd(1:i-1) TREnd(i+1:end)]; TRMax = [TRMax(1:i-1), TRMax(i+1:end)]; else i = i+ 1;
S = ts(TRStart); E = ts(TREnd); M = ts(TRMax);

回答(1 个)

Andrew Reibold
Andrew Reibold 2014-8-22
编辑:Andrew Reibold 2014-8-22
Undefined function can often allude to a simple mistake of not having saved that function in the folder you are currently working in when you call it. Make sure a copy of it is saved in the working folder, not that that is necessarily the problem.


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