Finding Optimal Number Of Clusters for Kmeans
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I want to find the number of clusters for my data for which the correlation is above .9. I know you can use a sum of squared error (SSE) scree plot but I am not sure how you create one in Matlab. Also, are there any other methods?
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回答(2 个)
Taro Ichimura
you have 2 way to do this in MatLab, use the evalclusters() and silhouette() to find an optimal k, you can also use the elbow method (i think you can find code in matlab community) check matlab documentation for examples, and below
% example
load fisheriris
clust = zeros(size(meas,1),6);
for i=1:6
clust(:,i) = kmeans(meas,i,'emptyaction','singleton',...
va = evalclusters(meas,clust,'CalinskiHarabasz')
Pamudu Ranasinghe
Refer "evalclusters" function
eva = evalclusters(X,'kmeans','CalinskiHarabasz','KList',1:6);
Optimal_K = eva.OptimalK;
1 个评论
Walter Roberson
编辑:Walter Roberson
And see for why evalclusters is mostly arbitrary with not so much real use.
Real mathematics says that every unique point should be its own cluster.
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