3 plane to array vectorization

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I have data in a matrix Atr
>> whos Atr
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
Atr 7x3x2500 420000 double
I want to extract Atr(1,1,:) into a row vector Q. I tried like this
>> whos Q
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
Q 1x1x2500 20000 double
But I need to store in a signle rwo vector . And also tried in this way
for i=1:2500
>> whos Q
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
Q 1x1x2500 20000 double
But no help. How can I store in a single row vector ?


Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor 2011-9-7
doc squeeze
  2 个评论
Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor 2011-9-7
Another possibility:
Q = Atr (1,1,:);
Q = Q (:);
Raviteja 2011-9-7
these are not working...
Above squeeze working....


更多回答(1 个)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2011-9-7
Q = reshape(Atr(1,1,:),1,[])
variant for all matrix Atr
n = size(Atr);
Qarray = reshape(Atr,n(1)*n(2),[]);


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