How to store number of images matrix and double values in cell or array?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am not to familiar with arrays or cells in MATLAB. I would like to make an array that contains in one cell for image 1, image 2, image 3 etc the following per image;
Image Matrix (Pixel value (n x m size) matrix of image) - M
string value - imageType
double value - pos
double value - exposure
How do I do this?
It should be mentioned I will use the values above (matrix and the values) for calculations like sum and so forth etc.
Also, how do I sort them in decreasing order of pos value so that the others also are sorted accordingly?


David Young
David Young 2014-9-16
Cell arrays could be used, but this looks like an ideal case for a struct array. See this introduction. You might do something like this:
for imageNumber = 1:numberOfImages
<read in or compute the current image and its associated data to the variables
M, imageType, pos and exposure>
imageStruct(imageNumber).imageMatrix = M;
imageStruct(imageNumber).imageType = imageType;
imageStruct(imageNumber).pos = pos;
imageStruct(imageNumber).exposure = exposure;
Then to sort, something like this:
[~, sortedIndices] = sort([imageStruct.pos], 2, 'descend');
imageStruct = imageStruct(sortedIndices);
which will keep each image with its associated data in the sorted array.
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-9-16
编辑:Image Analyst 2014-9-16
I agree that a struct array is better and much simpler to understand. That said, the FAQ has a good discussion of cell arrays that should help you get a good intuitive feeling for them>, but again, I recommend David's approach.


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