Why do I receive an 'Invalid input argument of type 'double'. Input must be a structure or a Java or COM object' error while loading data in a simbiology fit program?

50 次查看(过去 30 天)
I deviced a kinetic model using simbiology, simulated it and everything worked fine. Then I loaded a data set from excel containing three columns: ID, Time and concentration. I set ID as group, Time as independent and concentration as depended variables. But when I run the program it says
Invalid input argument of type 'double'. Input must be a structure or a Java or COM object.
I've also tried loading the data directly from the workspace and it gave the same error.
I converted the data to a structure and that is not listed as a valid input type while importing a dataset. I checked online tutorials and everyone seems to be able to load 'double' types.
The reaction is just A+B-->null
And dB/dt = -k*[B] and A is constant
  5 个评论
Florian Augustin
Florian Augustin 2022-8-29
编辑:Florian Augustin 2022-8-29
Hi Marc,
You might be seeing a different issue with the same symptom. I just confirmed that the issue Archishman reported is fixed in R2022a. Can you share reproduction steps that lead to the error? Are you working with the general release, or do you have an update version of R2022a installed? Which operating system are you working on? If you do not want to share this information publicly on MATLAB Answers, please contact MathWorks Technical Support.
Thank you,



Fulden Buyukozturk
Fulden Buyukozturk 2021-10-19
编辑:Fulden Buyukozturk 2021-10-19
Are you running R2021b and is your dataset has only one group? If so, this is likely a known bug with the app that affects datasets with no group or one group.
You could use the command-line interface fitproblem instead of the app or run the app in R2021a. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3 个评论
Fiona 2023-3-13
These are the parts of the code in the same file "BIDSFetcher.m" where it refers to obj.spacedef.name:
% Set base dir and base name
templateSpace = obj.spacedef.name;
baseName = fullfile(LeadDBSDirs.normDir, 'transformations', ['sub-', subjId, '_from-']);
% Set normalized anat images
templateSpace = obj.spacedef.name;
session = fieldnames(coregAnat);
for i=1:length(session)
modality = fieldnames(coregAnat.(session{i}));
for j=1:length(modality)
anat = strrep(coregAnat.(session{i}).(modality{j}), LeadDBSDirs.coregDir, LeadDBSDirs.normDir);
normAnat.(session{i}).(modality{j}) = strrep(anat, obj.anchorSpace, templateSpace);
Is it possible to make obj.spacedef.name a structure somehow?


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