What is the alternative of HARQEntity() function in MATLAB 5G-Toolbox R2021b in 5G-Toolbox R2021a

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have license for Matlab R2021a which does not have some functions in R2021b.
For example, HARQEntity() function in 5G Toolbox for R2021b is not present in R2021a.
What is the alternative for this function?
Furthermore, can I upgrade from R2021a to R2021b directly without paying additional cost?


Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2021-10-20
Re: upgrading, are your current on your software maintenance?
  2 个评论
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2021-10-20
One of the benefits of being current on your software maintenance is that you can upgrade to new releases. If you're not sure if you're current on maintenance talk to whomever maintains your license (if you're using your company's or school's license it's probably someone in your IT department) or contact Customer Service.


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