DatasetRef; parsim: 'Unable to read file ... No such file or directory'

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Hi everyone,
I am looking into parallel simulation (see e.g. here:, I have oriented pretty much completly on this method.
I create an array of datasetRef objects pointing to a file (lets call it test.mat), put those in an array (simIN) of simulation input objects and then hand the array of simulation input objects to parsim. However the simulations return with an error: 'test.mat' not found.
However I can run a simulation using sim(simIN(i)) and it returns without an error.
I would guess the problem is related to parsim distributing information to the workers, as the Referenz object doesnt seem to be the problem.
Is the problem known? Anyone has any ideas?
Thank you in advance.


Fawad Farooq Ashraf
try to use
simOut = parsim(simIN,'TransferBaseWorkspaceVariables','On');

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