Calculating the between-column squared correlations

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to use the Latin hypercube sample function (lhsdesign). In the examples provided in the documentation the quality of the generated design is measured by calculating the sum of between-column aquared correlations,
rng default % For reproducibility
X= lhsdesign(10,4); % X is a 10-by-4 design matrix.
y= corr(X);
(sum(y(:).^2)-4)/2 % the 4 subtracted to remove the ones on the diagonal of y.
Why was the sum of the squared correlations divided by 2 ?


Matt J
Matt J 2021-10-31
编辑:Matt J 2021-10-31
I would guess it's account for the symmetry of the y matrix ... so that off-diagonal terms will not be double counted.

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