How do i quantize data with N levels?

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I have the following code and have to quantize Y with N=8 levels in the uniform quantizer where Y=X1+X2 and x1∈[0,4] x2∈[-2,0]. Can you help me about it? Thank you in advance.
close all;
clear all;
rand('seed', sum(100*clock));
x1 = 0 + (4-0) .* rand(1000000,1);
x2 = -2 + (0-(-2)) .* rand(1000000,1);


Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2021-11-5
here an example of code and results
N = 1000;
x = 1:N-1;
signal = sin(x*2*pi/N);
nbits = 3; % 3 bits = 8 qantization levels
qLevels = 2^nbits ;
% The next step will be to scale your signal to have the same magnitude as your number of bits.
signalMin = min(signal);
signalMax = max(signal);
scalingFactor = (signalMax-signalMin)/qLevels;
signal_scaled = signal / scalingFactor ;
% This gives you a signal ranging from -8 to 8.
% I will use round(), then scale the signal back to its original magnitude
signal_scaled = round(signal_scaled);
signal_scaled = signal_scaled * scalingFactor;

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