audio plot of a avi file

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Max 2011-9-14
hi i am doing a project in video mining. i have to plot the AUDIO SPECTRUM of the video. in simple the audio i have to plot.
i searched several sites but the problem is they have mentioned only plot of .wav files .
i need a solution in matlab to plot the audio . please suggest

回答(3 个)

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub 2011-9-14
You can use an external program to extract the audio from the avi file into a wav file and use the solutions you already have. Depending on you OS you can probably find a program with a CLI and fully automate the process from MATLAB.
  2 个评论
Max 2011-9-14
thanx daniel it true that we cant read or extract audio from any multimedia files for analysis
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub 2011-9-14
I don't think there is a built in MATLAB function for doing it. I am betting you could write your own function to do it, but I don't see why you would want to.


Max 2011-9-14
thanx daniel it true that we cant read or extract audio from any multimedia files for analysis Comment on this Answer

Max 2011-9-14
or in simulink is there a provision to plot the avi file audio


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