Some question about UAV Toolbox PX4 support package
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Hello, I have some question about UAV Toolbox PX4 support package
I listed my question below
- I know I can upload my own control algorithm, but it seems I have to choose either Navigation controller or attitude controller. Is it possible to revise both of them?
- I want to upload my own control algorithm which is quite complex. I am worrying about will hardware support it because RAM of Pixhawk board is very small. I am not sure, but I heard that there is a constraint on how much memory can be allocated to the attitude control module. I heard that to increase that memory I have to revise CMakeList File. Will Toolbox support this? Is there a solution to solve the situation that memory or stack size is deficient and I cannot upload my controller? I am curious how optimized the generatred C++ code is.
- In case of quadrotor, other modules used in VTOL, rover, etc are useless. I think erasing those modules will be helpful. Is there any method to optimize my code specific to quadrotor?
Thank you for replying in advance!
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Ankur Bose
- The Navigation option enables all the modules in rcS. So you can interact with all the available PX4 modules and design your custom algorithm if any
- By default Simulink generates optimized code. Unless you try to log a very large number of signals on the hardware, the available RAM/stack should support your controller algorithm. We have tested with various controllers and memory has not been an issue.
- You can edit the startup files in ROMFS/init.d folder to remove the modules you dont need. To remove them from build, remove them from CMakeList
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