How to create multiple tables from a single spreadsheet

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a single .xlsx spreadsheet with multple tables on the same page, but one below the other.
The picture below shows an example.
From this spreadsheet I want to create two different tables at the same time. I have tried using the import tool or the readtable() function but I did not succeed.
Can someone help me?


Dave B
Dave B 2021-11-17
You can specify a range when calling readtable:
For example:
T = readtable('patients.xls',...
If you attach your excel file we can help with it, but it's really as easy as specifying the excel column and row for the upper left and lower right corners.
  2 个评论
Federico Migliosi
Federico Migliosi 2021-11-17
Thank you for the quick response.
Your code will just create one table from the specified upper left and lower right corners.
I was looking for a way to create multiple tables at once, each with a couple of unique corners. For now I think I will just create the tables manually, each time specifing the correct corners.
I have attached the excel file if it helps.
Dave B
Dave B 2021-11-17
Sadly, I don't think there's any way to create multiple tables with one call to readtable.
If you really wanted to you could write a little function that looped over a set of ranges to return multiple tables (just to make it easier to read), but you'd be faced with choosing whether the output should be a cell array of tables (?) or if you'd vary the number of output arguments based on the number of ranges. Both would be a little awkward IMO.


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