Formation of audio file(.wav) from a matrix.

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can i convert a simple 3*3 matrix into an audio file of (.wav)


Rick Nickle
Rick Nickle 2021-11-17
编辑:Rick Nickle 2021-11-17
Thanks Star Strider!
Hemraj, I understood that you were also interested in writing the .WAV file, so I'll add that.
Populate the 3x3 matrix:
M = 3×3
-0.7170 -2.0392 -0.5122 1.0327 0.1710 -0.7445 1.5918 -1.4577 0.2902
Set the sample rate:
Fs = 48000
Normalize the data and put it back into 3x3 (I may missing a good optimization here):
y = reshape(normalize(M(:),'range',[-1 1]),3,3)
y = 3×3
-0.2718 -1.0000 -0.1589 0.6920 0.2174 -0.2869 1.0000 -0.6798 0.2830
Write the data to .wav:
audiowrite('3x3.wav', y, Fs)
Now read it back to test:
[yy, FFs] = audioread('3x3.wav')
yy = 3×3
-0.2718 -1.0000 -0.1590 0.6920 0.2174 -0.2869 1.0000 -0.6798 0.2830
FFs = 48000
We can't actually play back using the sound() function because it only supports 2-channel, so play back the first two:
sound(yy(1:end,[1 2]))
  1 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2021-11-17
My pleasure.
With extremely rare exceptions (this is not one), I delete my un-accepted Answers, so I have here as well.


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