Avoid plot title superimposing axis
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When I plot I obtain this:
How can I easily avoid the title superimposing the x10^(-3) by placing any of them in a better position? Tried changing the "Position" argument of the function title() (which has the behavior of the function text()) but I don't know how to put it to work properly since I end up putting titles all over the place but not just increasing its height a bit with respect to the plot. I'd really appreciate your help. Thank you!
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Cam Salzberger
What are you using to position the title so that it comes close to the axes labels there? By default, the title will be center-aligned, so it shouldn't come close. When I use left alignment, the title moves up automatically to get out of the way of the "x10^y":
hAx = axes;
plot(hAx, 10000+rand(10,1))
title(hAx, 'Testing title')
hAx.TitleHorizontalAlignment = 'left';
I guess if it's a really long title, it will get in the way even when center-aligned:
hAx = axes;
plot(hAx, 10000+rand(10,1))
title(hAx, 'Testing really really really really really really really long title')
In that case, you could just make a whitespace sub-title to artificially bump it up. Probably much easier than playing around with position.
hAx = axes;
plot(hAx, 10000+rand(10,1))
title(hAx, 'Testing really really really really really really really long title',' ')
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