How to append image from UIAxes of App designer to the report generating using mlreportgen?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am creating report using app designer. I want to get the image in report which is in UIAxes(I have uploaded it from my computer). How to append that image in report from UIAxes


Yongjian Feng
Yongjian Feng 2021-11-25
Assuming you are talking about matlab report, this reference talks about how to add a figure into the report.
  4 个评论
编辑:SRUSHTI KHATAU 2021-11-30
Hi, thank you so much for helping. It works as per the reference you have given. Just in callback need to add imagesc for Image file.
But, what if the end user who is using this application doesn't have matlab? Will it work?


更多回答(1 个)

Carolin Böckler
Carolin Böckler 2022-8-18
How can I get the figure of a plot in a webserver application.
I want to draw that figure "app.UIAxesSpeed" in a report
This is not described in the link


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