3rd Order ODE on Simulink

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
Parveen Ayoubi
Parveen Ayoubi 2021-11-27
回答: Pat Gipper 2021-11-29
I have been trying to solve this differential equation for two days now. I do not know what to do with the right hand side of the ODE. The only way I have seen to solve it does not include the derivative of the input as well. Would really appreaciate some help atleast to know how to start it up.
y^''' (t)+6y^'' (t)+11y^'(t) +6y(t)=u^'' (t)+2u^' (t)+3u(t)
y’’(0) = 1 ; y’(0) = -1; y(0) = 1
where u=Unit step Us(t).
Ive tried to do it in simulink but I cant seem to get the right answer. Ill link what I have tried to do with it. (One of the problems is that we have to have the initital conditions present which we cant do with the transfer function)
  2 个评论
Parveen Ayoubi
Parveen Ayoubi 2021-11-27
This is the other way but it also doesnt work.
Pat Gipper
Pat Gipper 2021-11-28
编辑:Pat Gipper 2021-11-29
Could it be something like this? Now you just need to figure out what u'' is that will result in u = unit step. It turns out that it requires a doublet as an input.


回答(1 个)

Pat Gipper
Pat Gipper 2021-11-29
I approximated the required doublet input into an update to my comment with a summation of two very short pulse generators.


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