PX4 test connection accelerometer data error

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
in the test connection part after successful upload firmware I am not able to read accelerometer value as in the picture below
I got this error with
(1)Design Flight Controller Algorithm in Simulink (both rcS and rc.txt methods)
(2) Design Path Follower Algorithm in Simulink
(3) QGC is working
(4) MatLab 2021b/ Pixhawk 1 (v2)
(5) with matlab 2019b and px4_cygwin toolchian v.05 it worked.
any solution to this with matlab 2021b


Momtaz Abadir
Momtaz Abadir 2021-11-29
编辑:Momtaz Abadir 2021-11-30
after uploading the firmware I did not used the Get Accelerometer data option, I skpied to the hardware config and did check off the MAVLINK enable and depoly my model after that it is worked. when i did upload the firmware again the Get Accelerometer data option starts working.
Once you have successfully uploaded the firmware, you cannot use the Get Accelerometer data option in Test Connection screen. This is because it treats the bootloader COM port as the main communications port. This is a limitation in R2021b. If you have uploaded the firmware successfully, exit the Hardware Setup screen and configure the Simulink® model accordingly to set the upload and communication port. For more information, see Set COM Port for Upload and Communication in Simulink.
  2 个评论
大宝 罗
大宝 罗 2021-11-30
Hello, I have the same problem.I have successfully connected before, I used the same firmware version (V1.10.2) and the same steps, but failed to connect, how can I solve the problem?
Momtaz Abadir
Momtaz Abadir 2021-11-30
after uploading the firmware I did not used the Get Accelerometer data option, I skpied to the hardware config and did check off the MAVLINK enable and depoly my model after that it is worked. when i did upload the firmware again the Get Accelerometer data option starts working.
Once you have successfully uploaded the firmware, you cannot use the Get Accelerometer data option in Test Connection screen. This is because it treats the bootloader COM port as the main communications port. This is a limitation in R2021b. If you have uploaded the firmware successfully, exit the Hardware Setup screen and configure the Simulink® model accordingly to set the upload and communication port. For more information, see Set COM Port for Upload and Communication in Simulink.


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