Translating From IDL to Matlab

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Joseph Pate
Joseph Pate 2021-11-29
回答: Rishav 2024-4-8
Hi! I have been working on a document where I am translating lines of IDL code into Matlab. There are a few lines that I have been stuck on and I would super appreicate some help with. They are as follows in IDL:
rad = double(swap_endian(( assoc(1,intarr(5760,2880)) )[0])) + 3396000.d0
dci = ( assoc(1,fltarr(5760,2880)) )[0]
Both lines deal with the assoc function which I cannot find a good substitute for in Matlab. Thanks so much!

回答(1 个)

Rishav 2024-4-8
Hi Joseph,
Please refer to the MATLAB converted code below:
%First line
array = zeros(5760, 2880, 'int32');
%Convert the first element to double, swap its bytes and then add 3396000.0
value = double(swapbytes(array(1))) + 3396000.0;
%Second line
array = zeros(5760, 2880);
%Access the first element
dci = array(1);
Please refer to the below mentioned documentations for more information on:
  1. swapbytes -
  2. zeros -


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