Keep Only Cells With a String Beginning with a Certain Letter

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
If I have a data-set as follows:
['ABC'; 'ABC'; 'ABC'; 'DEF'; 'DEF'; 'DEF'; 'XYZ'; 'XYZ'; 'XYZ']
How do I only keep rows which contain a string beginning with the letter 'D'?

回答(1 个)

Adam 2014-10-24
编辑:Adam 2014-10-24
s = ['ABC'; 'ABC'; 'ABC'; 'DEF'; 'DEF'; 'DEF'; 'XYZ'; 'XYZ'; 'XYZ'];
s = s( s(:,1) == 'D',: );
assuming you stated the full complexity of the problem in your question.


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