To solve a boundary value problem (BVP) for a partial differential equation (PDE) in MATLAB, you can use the pdepe function. Although pdepe is primarily designed for solving initial value problems (IVPs), it can also handle BVPs by specifying the boundary conditions appropriately.
Here is a general outline of how to use pdepe to solve a BVP for a PDE:
- Define the PDE equation and boundary conditions.
- Set up the mesh and initial conditions.
- Call the pdepe function to solve the problem.
Here is an example code that demonstrates how to solve a simple BVP using pdepe:
function bvp_example()
% Define the PDE equation and boundary conditions
m = 0; % Diffusion coefficient
f = @(x, t, u, DuDx) -m * DuDx; % PDE equation
bc = @(ya, yb) [ya(1); yb(1)]; % Boundary conditions
% Set up the mesh and initial conditions
x = linspace(0, 1, 100); % Spatial mesh
t = linspace(0, 1, 100); % Time mesh
u0 = sin(pi * x); % Initial condition
% Call pdepe to solve the problem
sol = pdepe(m, f, @(x) 0, bc, x, t, [], u0);
% Plot the solution
surf(x, t, sol);
zlabel('u(x, t)');
title('Solution of the PDE');
In this example, the PDE equation is -m * d^2u/dx^2 = 0, and the boundary conditions are u(0, t) = u(1, t) = 0. The initial condition is u(x, 0) = sin(pi * x). The pdepe function is called with the appropriate arguments to solve the problem.
Read more about the pdepe function here:
Please note that the specific form of the PDE equation and boundary conditions will depend on your problem. You will need to modify the code accordingly.