Plot in MATLAB app desinger not working

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, every time I try to plot this in matlab app desinger it does not work. Any explanation why? The plot just shows up as white.
global image;
horDim = app.HorizontalDimensionsEditField.Value;
vertDim = app.VerticalDimensionsEditField.Value;
dropDistance = app.DropDistanceEditField.Value;
diameter = app.DiameterEditField.Value;
processingImage = image;
if ndims(processingImage) > 2; processingImage = rgb2gray(processingImage); end
BW = imbinarize(processingImage);
BW = imresize(BW, [horDim,vertDim]);
Goal = flip(BW);
writematrix(double(Goal), 'Standard.xlsx');
writematrix(double(~Goal), 'Reverse.xlsx');
for i = 1:1:horDim
for j = 1:1:vertDim
if(Goal(i,j) == 1)
xvalue = j*dropDistance;
yvalue = i*dropDistance;
plot(app.UIAxes2, xvalue, yvalue);
xvalue2 = j*dropDistance;
yvalue2 = i*dropDistance;
plot(app.UIAxes2, xvalue2, yvalue2);

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-12-6
plot() only draws lines if you supply at least two adjacent finite coordinates in a single call. However you are passing in scalar values so no lines are drawn.
By default markers are not drawn when you use plot(). If you want to plot() one point at a time be sure to specify the marker type in the call.
  2 个评论
Sam Schiavitti
Sam Schiavitti 2021-12-6
This helps to show the very last plot though it only plots the last one. How do I plot all indices?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-12-6
The hold call you coded is toggling hold every time it is called. you need to add 'on' as a parameter to the call



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