How can draw univariate histogram in XY plane, YZ plane, and XZ plane in a 3-dimensional space?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have N samples in four categories whose 3D coordinates are given. I want to plot univariate histograms for the X on XY plane at Z=0 of a 3D box. Next, on the adjacent walls of this box, I have to plot univariate histograms for Y on YZ plane at X=0 and univariate histogram for Z on XZ plane at Y=0.
I have attached data with categories.
I am new in matlab. Please help me.
  2 个评论
sharmin sathi
sharmin sathi 2021-12-15
编辑:sharmin sathi 2021-12-15
I have attached an image that i want. This image is for one category data and present histogram Y axis and Z axis. But i want to represent histogram X axis, Y axis and Z axis for the four cateories data attached previously.
thanks in advance


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