cef_helper with Simulink 2021b in Linux

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
With Simulink 2021b, my computer hangs for a few seconds once every about 30seconds. In the processes, I notice that cef_helper seems to be the cause, it's takes all the CPU power for a few seconds. Also I can hear the fan spinning more often, like the CPU is working a lot more.
Therefore I went back to version 2021a, where I don't have this problem, until it get fixed.
I'm using Kubuntu linux.

回答(1 个)

Rishav 2024-4-8
Hi Jean,
This issue should not occur if you launch MATLAB with either of these startup flags "-nojvm", "-nodesktop" and "-softwareopengl". The "software opengl" flag disables GPU.
On Linux we have an older version of CEF and the GPU process could be the issue. You can try launching MATLAB with "-cefdisablegpu" option. That should fix the issue.


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