surf plot of f(x,y). With gridlines, but more sparse than default
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surf(x,y,z) where z is oscillatory. Therefore x,y are 100x100. I want the gridlines (don't want to use flat or interp options). However, too many gridlines don't look good. Looking for a way to reduce gridlines by 50% or 75% etc. in both x and y coord.
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回答(2 个)
Walter Roberson
I suspect you are not talking about the "gridlines" as such: I think you are talking about the drawing of the edges of each face.
There is no direct way to control the drawing of the edges.
Use 'edgecolor', 'flat', and supply a 'CData' that includes a lof of NaN .
Use a different color for each edge based on the values in the CData property.
First you must specify the CData property as a matrix the same size as ZData.
The color value at the first vertex of each face (in the positive x and y directions)
determines the color for the adjacent edges.
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