How do I create a PLC ladder diagram through Simulink?

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I would like to perform a water transfer system through simulink coding, but after a throughout research, i am unable to find a proepr PLC programming kit for use. There are many types, which one would be the best for students


Pratyush Roy
Pratyush Roy 2022-1-7
Hi Jai,
This link might be helpful for creating PLC ladder diagram in Simulink.
Hope this helps!
  4 个评论
Jai Ganesh Suprapragasum
Hi Roy,
please refer to the attachment, it shows that the PLC ladder is not found, am i missing something? or how do i download the plc ladder codes into the system.
Thank you.
Pratyush Roy
Pratyush Roy 2022-1-11
Hi Jai,
Instead of looking for the library in the Simulink Library Browser, you can try typing plcladderlib in the Command Window and that will open the library for you. Here's the command that you can try out:
>> plcladderlib
Hope this helps!


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