How to tell matlab to go to the next iteration of loop when loop started in different code file?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hey everyone,
I have written a matlab script that involves several different code files. There is one file containing a code that tells matlab to go through each and every one of my subcodes (that are saved in different files for example data_import.m, calculation.m, addition.m, comparison.m etc.). The name of this 'overall' file is whole_modell.m.
Now, whole_modell.m contains a loop. And I want to add an if-command in one of the subfiles (calculation.m) to tell matlab to go back to the loop in whole_modell.m and start with the next iteration instead of continueing through the rest of the present iteration.
Is there a way to do that??
Thanks a lot!

回答(2 个)

Adam 2014-11-7
Just return a variable from calculation.m that determines whether to continue with the iteration or not and use that variable in your if statement in your main script/function.

Vipin Mohan
Vipin Mohan 2014-11-7
You can use a function declaration for the sub-functions(data_import.m, calculation.m) and save the sub-functions in the same folder as in the main function (whole_modell.m). The thumbnails of subfunctions are look different in the matlab environment. So that you can distiguish betn them
I think you can use a 'return' syntax to go back to main program


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