When connecting the second MQTT client to the Thingspeak channel, the connection is first bursting.

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
When connecting the second MQTT client to the Thingspeak channel, the connection is first bursting. What could be the reason? Or is it a limitation of a free license?

回答(1 个)

Vinod 2022-1-7
编辑:Vinod 2022-1-7
If you are using the same triplet of clientid, username and password on multiple devices,only the last connected device will stay connected.
You need a unique combination of clientid, username and password for each device making an mqtt connection.
  1 个评论
Sergey Mukhachev
Sergey Mukhachev 2022-1-8
Thank you for the hint! I added a new MQTT device in the Devices section, linking to the same channel Thingspeak and received new client ID, Username and Password. Now it works with two customers as expected.



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