Why do I receive this error when using cumsum: "Invalid data type. First input argument must be numeric or logical." ?

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am a psychologist with very little experience in Matlab and am just trying to run a code (see attachment). The function is:
function [H]=dfaedit(file_name,plot_flag, outfile_flag, out_command_flag)
When calling the fucntion with the input arguments I always receive the error:
Error using cumsum
Invalid data type. First input argument must be numeric or logical.
Error in dfaedit (line 44)
Sum = cumsum(x);
I have tried using different file types (.txt, .dat, .csv), different imported variables (matrix, table, vectors, etc.) and extracting data from vectors but no matter the input I get the same cumsum error. The data itself is just a single column of integer values.
At first I thought that my data wasn't numerical but after having tried out all of the steps mentioned above I am out of ideas. Could anyone help me out?
Sorry if this seems obvious :)
  4 个评论
Torsten 2022-1-8
No, I mean what you wrote to fill the ... below:
function call
file_name = ...;
plot_flag = ...;
outfile_flag = ...;
out_command_flag = ...;
H = dfaedit(file_name,plot_flag,outfile_flag,out_command_flag)



Torsten 2022-1-8
Try this:
function main
file_name = 'sample_test.txt';
H = dfaedit(file_name,1,1,1)
function [H]=dfaedit(file_name,plot_flag, outfile_flag, out_command_flag)
% DFA Calculates and plots detrended fluctuations
% For a 1-d time series in a one column text file named 'file_name',
% DFA performs a detrended fluctuation analysis on this data. It first integrates
% the data and then partitions it into different size subsets whose size
% varies from MinBox (default = 4) to MaxBox (default = 1/4 the data length).
% For the subsets of each size, the best fitting trend lines are found
% and their the root mean square residual (Q) is calculated. The log10
% of this fluctuation quantity (Q) is plotted against log10 of the points in a subset.
% The slope of this regression estimates the Hurst exponent (H). The fractal
% dimension can be calculated as 2-H.
% If plot_flag = 1 then a regression plot is created. If outfile_flag = 1, the file name, H
% and r^2 are appended to a text file 'dfa_results.txt'. If out_command_flag = 1, the data
% that are the basis for the regression plot are output to the command window.
% Example: dfa('noise-f.dat', 1, 1, 1)
% I used the Peng's C code algorithm which is available at http://reylab.bidmc.harvard.edu.
% It is discussed in Peng et al. Quantification of scaling exponents and crossover
% phenomena in nonstationaryheartbeat time series. Chaos 1995;5:82-87. I vectorized the
% preliminary calculations for MatLab. But the main loop I did not touch. Still not sure
% of the algorithm they are using to calculate the root mean square residual.
% Syntax:
% dfa(file_name,plot_flag, outfile_flag, out_command_flag)
% R. C. Schmidt 11-27-01
format short g
%x = file_name;
fid = fopen(file_name);
data = textscan(fid,'%f');
fid = fclose(fid);
x = cell2mat(data);
numberpoints = length(x);
MinBox = 4; % minbox #of points in a box
MaxBox = .25*numberpoints; % maxbox set 1/4 the data length
BoxSizeDensity = 4;
LogScaleFactor = power(2.0, 1.0/BoxSizeDensity);
index = 1:numberpoints;
index = reshape(index, length(index), 1); %change row to column vector
% Preliminary calculations
Sum = cumsum(x);
SumOfSumsSquared = cumsum(Sum.*Sum);
SumOfSums = cumsum(Sum);
SSc = cumsum(index.*Sum);
% now find best fit lines and find fluctuation about the line
% loop for each box size, from MinBox to MaxBox
iteration = 1;
BoxSize = MinBox;
TempBoxSize = MinBox;
while BoxSize <= MaxBox
s = 0.0;
r1 = 1./(BoxSize + 1.0);
Det = 12.0*r1*r1*r1/(1.0 - r1*r1);
vv = BoxSize*(2.0*BoxSize + 1.0)/6.0;
for j = 2:numberpoints - BoxSize
dhh = SumOfSumsSquared(j + BoxSize) - SumOfSumsSquared(j-1);
dhu = SumOfSums(j + BoxSize) - SumOfSums(j-1);
dhv = SSc(j + BoxSize) - SSc(j-1) - dhu*j;
s = s + dhh - (dhv*dhv +dhu*dhu*vv - dhv*dhu*BoxSize)*Det;
j = j + 1;
den = (numberpoints - BoxSize)*(BoxSize + 1.0);
Fluctuation = sqrt(s/den);
log_points_in_box(iteration,1) = log10(BoxSize);
log_Q(iteration,1) = log10(Fluctuation);
show_results(iteration,:) = [ iteration BoxSize Fluctuation log_points_in_box(iteration,1) log_Q(iteration,1) ];
iteration = iteration + 1;
% update the box size
TempBoxSize = TempBoxSize*LogScaleFactor;
while round(TempBoxSize) < BoxSize + 1.0
TempBoxSize = TempBoxSize*LogScaleFactor;
BoxSize = round(TempBoxSize);
% got all boxes; now calculate H via trendline
r_trend = corrcoef(log_points_in_box, log_Q);
coefs = polyfit(log_points_in_box, log_Q,1);
r_line = polyval(coefs,log_points_in_box);
% calculate dimension and Hurst
H = coefs(1);
D = 2-H;
%display results in command window
if out_command_flag == 1
disp(' iteration points Q Log10(pnts) Log10(Q)')
% display results in a figure
if plot_flag == 1
h = axes('Position', [0 0 1 1], 'Visible', 'off');
axes('Position',[.1 .2 .75 .75])
plot(log_points_in_box, log_Q,'b+')
hold on
plot(log_points_in_box,r_line, 'k')
xlabel('log10(Points in Subset)');
set(gcf, 'CurrentAxes', h);
str(1) = {[sprintf('%2.5f',coefs(1)),'x + ', sprintf('%2.5f',coefs(2)), ' = y, r^2 = ', sprintf('%2.2f',r_trend(1,2)^2), ', n = ', sprintf('%d',length(log_Q)) ]};
text(.1, .02, str, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', 'r');
str(1) = {['H = ', sprintf('%2.3f',H) ' D = ', sprintf('%2.3f',D) ]};
text(.5, .02, str, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', 'r');
% append results to a file rd_results.txt
if outfile_flag == 1
fid = fopen('dfa_results.txt','a');
fprintf(fid,'%s %4.4f %2.4f\n', file_name, H, r_trend(1,2)^2);
status = fclose(fid);

更多回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2022-1-8
The code (that appears to have been written in 2001) doesn’t make sense!
The first argument to the function is ‘file_name’ that I assume would be a character array. It is subsequently assigned to ‘x’ and then the ‘Sum’ variable is assigned as cumsum(x). Doing any sort of calculation on a character array (without first converting to a numeric representation of the elements of the character array) isn’t possible.
That is throwing the error.
Please go back and review the documentation to determine what the arguments are supposed to be.
opts = weboptions('ContentType','text');
W = webread('https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/857175/dfaedit.m', opts)
W =
'function [H]=dfaedit(file_name,plot_flag, outfile_flag, out_command_flag) % DFA Calculates and plots detrended fluctuations % % For a 1-d time series in a one column text file named 'file_name', % DFA performs a detrended fluctuation analysis on this data. It first integrates % the data and then partitions it into different size subsets whose size % varies from MinBox (default = 4) to MaxBox (default = 1/4 the data length). % For the subsets of each size, the best fitting trend lines are found % and their the root mean square residual (Q) is calculated. The log10 % of this fluctuation quantity (Q) is plotted against log10 of the points in a subset. % The slope of this regression estimates the Hurst exponent (H). The fractal % dimension can be calculated as 2-H. % % If plot_flag = 1 then a regression plot is created. If outfile_flag = 1, the file name, H % and r^2 are appended to a text file 'dfa_results.txt'. If out_command_flag = 1, the data % that are the basis for the regression plot are output to the command window. % % Example: dfa('noise-f.dat', 1, 1, 1) % % I used the Peng's C code algorithm which is available at http://reylab.bidmc.harvard.edu. % It is discussed in Peng et al. Quantification of scaling exponents and crossover % phenomena in nonstationaryheartbeat time series. Chaos 1995;5:82-87. I vectorized the % preliminary calculations for MatLab. But the main loop I did not touch. Still not sure % of the algorithm they are using to calculate the root mean square residual. % % Syntax: % dfa(file_name,plot_flag, outfile_flag, out_command_flag) % % R. C. Schmidt 11-27-01 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- format short g x = file_name; numberpoints = length(x); MinBox = 4; % minbox #of points in a box MaxBox = .25*numberpoints; % maxbox set 1/4 the data length BoxSizeDensity = 4; LogScaleFactor = power(2.0, 1.0/BoxSizeDensity); index = 1:numberpoints; index = reshape(index, length(index), 1); %change row to column vector % Preliminary calculations Sum = cumsum(x); SumOfSumsSquared = cumsum(Sum.*Sum); SumOfSums = cumsum(Sum); SSc = cumsum(index.*Sum); % now find best fit lines and find fluctuation about the line % loop for each box size, from MinBox to MaxBox iteration = 1; BoxSize = MinBox; TempBoxSize = MinBox; while BoxSize <= MaxBox s = 0.0; r1 = 1./(BoxSize + 1.0); Det = 12.0*r1*r1*r1/(1.0 - r1*r1); vv = BoxSize*(2.0*BoxSize + 1.0)/6.0; for j = 2:numberpoints - BoxSize dhh = SumOfSumsSquared(j + BoxSize) - SumOfSumsSquared(j-1); dhu = SumOfSums(j + BoxSize) - SumOfSums(j-1); dhv = SSc(j + BoxSize) - SSc(j-1) - dhu*j; s = s + dhh - (dhv*dhv +dhu*dhu*vv - dhv*dhu*BoxSize)*Det; j = j + 1; end den = (numberpoints - BoxSize)*(BoxSize + 1.0); Fluctuation = sqrt(s/den); log_points_in_box(iteration,1) = log10(BoxSize); log_Q(iteration,1) = log10(Fluctuation); show_results(iteration,:) = [ iteration BoxSize Fluctuation log_points_in_box(iteration,1) log_Q(iteration,1) ]; iteration = iteration + 1; % update the box size TempBoxSize = TempBoxSize*LogScaleFactor; while round(TempBoxSize) < BoxSize + 1.0 TempBoxSize = TempBoxSize*LogScaleFactor; end BoxSize = round(TempBoxSize); end % got all boxes; now calculate H via trendline r_trend = corrcoef(log_points_in_box, log_Q); coefs = polyfit(log_points_in_box, log_Q,1); r_line = polyval(coefs,log_points_in_box); % calculate dimension and Hurst H = coefs(1); D = 2-H; %display results in command window if out_command_flag == 1 disp(' iteration points Q Log10(pnts) Log10(Q)') disp(show_results) end % display results in a figure if plot_flag == 1 figure h = axes('Position', [0 0 1 1], 'Visible', 'off'); axes('Position',[.1 .2 .75 .75]) plot(log_points_in_box, log_Q,'b+') hold on plot(log_points_in_box,r_line, 'k') ylabel('log10(Q)'); xlabel('log10(Points in Subset)'); title(file_name); set(gcf, 'CurrentAxes', h); str(1) = {[sprintf('%2.5f',coefs(1)),'x + ', sprintf('%2.5f',coefs(2)), ' = y, r^2 = ', sprintf('%2.2f',r_trend(1,2)^2), ', n = ', sprintf('%d',length(log_Q)) ]}; text(.1, .02, str, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', 'r'); str(1) = {['H = ', sprintf('%2.3f',H) ' D = ', sprintf('%2.3f',D) ]}; text(.5, .02, str, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', 'r'); end % append results to a file rd_results.txt if outfile_flag == 1 fid = fopen('dfa_results.txt','a'); fprintf(fid,'%s %4.4f %2.4f\n', file_name, H, r_trend(1,2)^2); status = fclose(fid); end '


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