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How to run the robot on a plane?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Bahri SEKERCI 2014-11-14
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
Good Work!
İ am a student senior class and try to make my thesis. My thesis about SimMechanics-First Generation. I try to run the human lower extremity. But i have a problem.
I made block diagrams. But I can not create to run with a plane. Yes, I create a plane but my lower extremity does not fall into the plane. "I left it the gravity" yes this is true. But it did not recognize that created a plane.
" In the meantime, I am sorry about my English. I know that my english is bad. "
I would be glad if you help me. Thank you very much.
  1 个评论
Bahri SEKERCI 2014-11-19
Hi Tony,
I hope, you will help to me!..
Fig-1 : this is block diagram. Block diagram is working but on the base; it isnt working that block name is "Düzlem". "Düzlem" means Plane. Finally problem is here.
Fig-2: Run, second 0.
Fig-3: continue... I left it gravity and it is approaching on the plane...
Fig-4 it did not recognize that created a plane.
Fig 5. ıt is going on gravity...
Fig 6. I try to solve plane problem by copying the example "Rolling Sphere". Because, I never see Matlab lesson and simmechanics. I am learning myself for thesis and just can look at top right "HELP" button and on the internet.
I hope, you solve problem!..
You can look this fig 6.
Finally Simmechanics file:

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