Hi David,
I understanding that you want to create a still image animation in MATLAB.
Here are few pointers to help you implement the steps you mentioned:
- For separating the background, you may use MATLAB’s “Image Segmenter” or “Color Thresholder” app or programmatically make use of a variety of other custom image segmentation methods.
- For changing the background color, you can modify the individual (R, G, B) values of the image or add another image of same dimension to the background.
- Similarly for blending the background image with the foreground image you can follow step 2 and for translating the foreground on the colored background you may shift the foreground image circularly using “circshift” function.
Examples of how to implement the above 3 steps can be seen in the code snippet below:
% Load the foreground and the background images
foreground = imread('foreground.png');
background = imread("background.png");
%Filling the background image with some color
rgb =[125,125,125];
background(:,:,1) = rgb(1);
background(:,:,2) = rgb(2);
background(:,:,3) = rgb(3);
%Blend the foreground and the background images in loop
numFrames = 180;
foregroundOffset = 15;
videoFile = VideoWriter('wave.mp4', 'MPEG-4');
videoFile.FrameRate = 60;
for frame = 1:numFrames
offset = frame * foregroundOffset;
shiftedForeground = circshift(foreground, [0,offset]);
blendedImage = (double(shiftedForeground) + double(background)) ./ 2;
writeVideo(videoFile, uint8(blendedImage));
To learn more about more image segmentation techniques and “circshift ”, you may refer to the MathWorks documentation links below:
- https://www.mathworks.com/discovery/image-segmentation.html
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/circshift.html
Hope this helps.
Vinayak Luha