Create a plot with values from matrices of many dimensions.

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have the following matrices: A:10X10X10X10, B:10X10X10X10, C:10X10X10X10, D:10X10X10X10 and S:10X10
What I want is a contour plot that includes the values from all the matrices (A,B,C,D,S). I tried the commands contour and surfc but the following errors occur:
contour: "Input arguments must have at most 2 dimensions."
surfc: "Value must be a vector or 2D array of numeric type."
There is a way to make a corresponding plot such as a contour plot, with values from all the matrices?
Your help is important !!!


David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2022-1-14
Hi Stelios,
it seems you are trying to plug 4D matrices into the surfc function, and as you mention:
surfc: "Value must be a vector or 2D array of numeric type."
Grab a 2D portion of each matrix and plug it into surfc. On how to extract the first 2 dimension of matrix A, use for example the following:
A_2D = A(:,:, 1, 1);
  3 个评论
David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2022-1-14
Loop over those simensions (the 3rd and 4th argument).
The 2D matrix given by the 2nd element of the 3rd dimension and the 1st element of the 4th dimension is:
A_2D = A(:,:, 2,1);


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