Show parameters of a simulink model in a GUI window

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I want to make a MATLAB GUI where the user can provide certain information and thereby open a specific Simulink model. In another panel, depending on the model selected, the user should fill in certain parameters and pass them on to the Simulink model. Remember, the parameters maybe different for different simulink models, so everytime the GUI should show the parameters of the selected model only. There should also be a panel with plots. Can anybody give me a rough idea how is this possible? How should I create a GUI Panel that contains the variables to be assigned of the selected simulink model?

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Shlok 2024-9-11,17:44
Hi Zafar,
I understand that you want to create a custom MATLAB GUI for selecting a Simulink model, entering parameters, and displaying plots. Here’s how you can approach this:
1. You should start by creating a GUI Layout, which consists of a model selection dropdown, parameter input panel and a plot panel.
% Create a figure window
fig = uifigure('Name','Simulink Model GUI', 'Position', [100 100 500 400]);
% Add a dropdown for Simulink model selection
lbl = uilabel(fig,'Position',[20 340 100 22], 'Text', 'Select Model:');
modelDropdown = uidropdown(fig, 'Position', [120 340 150 22], ...
'Items', {'Model1', 'Model2', 'Model3'}, ...
'ValueChangedFcn', @(src,event) loadModelParameters(src, fig));
% Add a panel for parameters
paramPanel = uipanel(fig, 'Position', [20 150 460 180], 'Title', 'Model Parameters');
% Add a panel for plots
plotPanel = uipanel(fig, 'Position', [20 20 460 100], 'Title', 'Output Plot');
2. Now define callbacks to clear the old parameter fields and create new ones based on the selected model.
function loadModelParameters(src, fig)
selectedModel = src.Value;
% Clear existing parameter fields from the panel
paramPanel = findobj(fig, 'Type', 'uipanel', 'Title', 'Model Parameters');
delete(allchild(paramPanel)); % Clear previous elements
% Create input fields based on the selected model
switch selectedModel
case 'Model1'
uilabel(paramPanel, 'Position', [10 140 100 22], 'Text', 'Param1:');
param1 = uieditfield(paramPanel, 'numeric', 'Position', [120 140 100 22]);
% Add input fields for more parameters as needed
% Add more cases for different models
3. Once the parameters are filled in, you can pass them to the Simulink model using theset_param” function when the user clicks a "Run" button. Add a button to trigger the model simulation.
% Add Run button to execute model
runButton = uibutton(fig, 'Position', [200 340 100 22], 'Text', 'Run Model', ...
'ButtonPushedFcn', @(btn,event) runSimulinkModel(paramPanel, modelDropdown));
4. Now provide the logic for retrieving values from parameter fields and running Simulink model.
function runSimulinkModel(paramPanel, modelDropdown)
selectedModel = modelDropdown.Value;
% Get the parameter values based on model
paramFields = findall(paramPanel, 'Style', 'uieditfield');
params = arrayfun(@(x) str2double(x.Value), paramFields);
% Open Simulink model
% Set parameters in Simulink model
switch selectedModel
case 'Model1'
set_param([selectedModel, '/Block1'], 'Parameter1', num2str(params(1)));
% Set other parameters as needed
% Similarly, define cases for other models
% Run the Simulink model
% Plot results (dummy example)
plotPanel = findobj('Type', 'uipanel', 'Title', 'Output Plot');
ax = axes('Parent', plotPanel);
time = 0:0.1:10;
output = sin(time);
plot(ax, time, output);
This method enables you to create a custom GUI that can manage different models and their specific parameters.
To know more about the various GUI elements and “set_param” function, refer to the following documentation links:


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