i would like know matlab command for import base work space data to .sldd
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I created mydictionary.sldd with commnad Simulink.data.dictionary.create.
I would like know the programmatically how to export base workspace data (example: signals, params etc) to mydictionary.sldd .
once Data is exported to mydictionary.sldd, how to change property of variable from Simulink.Signal to Raptor.Signal and also how to change Storage class of a variable programmatically(by using commands).
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Titus Edelhofer
Hi Praveen,
take a look here: https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/store-data-in-dictionary-programmatically.html. It describes how to add entries to the dictionary. If you scroll down a bit you'll see a script that also looks out for signals and parameters of the model in base workspace and then loops on them to import.
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