How to add a column to a UItable in AppDesigner

34 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have created a UITable. I have a button which I want the user to be able to add a column and assign there own name to it.
I can rename a column: app.UITable.ColumnName{1} = 'mark';
I can add a name: app.UITable.ColumnName{end+1} = 'mark';
but when I add it does not display, why not?

回答(1 个)

Simon Chan
Simon Chan 2022-1-20
I think it is better to record the number of columns in the uitable before you added a new column and assign the name to the new column as follows:
Nc = length(app.UITable.ColumnName); % Record the original number of columns in uitable
% Your code adding new column in the uitable
app.UITable.ColumnName{Nc+1} = 'New Column'
  4 个评论
Mark Eigenraam
Mark Eigenraam 2022-1-20
% Button pushed function: AddcolumnButton
function AddcolumnButtonPushed(app, event)
new_name = inputdlg('Please enter new column name');
if isempty(new_name)
%user has pressed cancel or not entered any text
app.UITable.Data(:,end+1)={''}; % add column
% column_name=char(inputdlg('Please enter new column name'));
%app.UITable.ColumnSortable(end+1) = 1;
%app.UITable.ColumnSortable = [true false true true];
%app.UITable.ColumnEditable = [true false true true];
this is now adding a column and a name, but the table data (app.UITable.Data) do not include the name at the top
Simon Chan
Simon Chan 2022-1-20
I am a little bit confuse now.
If you want the data inside the table to display the ColumnName as well, add one more line as follows:
app.UITable.Data(:,end+1)={''}; % add column
app.UITable.Data(:,end)=new_name; % Put the name inside the new column



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