Run MATLAB twice at the same time

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have to collect data by Simulink file and I need many times to run MATLAB code. So, my question is;
Can I run MATLAB twice at the same time for the same code?
If yes, Are there any differences in the data obtained?
Thank you in advance.


Rik 2022-1-25
You mean you want to have two separate instances of Matlab running? That is possible. Running the same function is also not a problem.
However, if your function is setting up a connection with a physical device, there may be a problem. Some devices will only allow a single connection.
If it does accept two connections, the only difference in the data will be the time difference in starting the function.
  1 个评论
Hayder Makhzom
Hayder Makhzom 2022-1-27
Thank you very much Rik, for your kind answer, really I am grateful to you.


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