configure display of exponential numbers

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Matlab displays large or small numbers as:
1.0e-10 *
0.1270 0.1310 0.1120 0.1480 0.1650
I just want the exponent used to always be a factor of 3, ie: engineering notation. I have num2eng from the file exchange but it displays values as strings which is not ideal for me. Perhaps there is a way to configure it differently but I really like the build in way of displaying numbers, I just want it to report the exponent in factors of three. Is this possible?
ex from num2eng:
1×5 cell array
{'12.7e-12'} {'13.1e-12'} {'11.2e-12'} {'14.8e-12'} {'16.5e-12'}


Stephen23 2022-1-29
format shortEng
ans = 1×5
1.0e+00 * 12.7000e-012 13.1000e-012 11.2000e-012 14.8000e-012 16.5000e-012

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