How do I print one variable from solve() ?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to print the variable's values obtained after using solve() function. Here is a portion of my code and what I intend to do:
primereq = 18 * A - 8 * B == 0;
segundaeq = -1 * A - 18 * B == 5;
cofval = solve([primereq,segundaeq],[A,B]);
A == cofval.A;
B = cofval.B;
fprintf('El valor de A es %d y el valor de B es %d',A,B);
What would be the correct way to stract the values of the variables A and B from cofval while I use fprintf function?
Thank you for your attention!


Yongjian Feng
Yongjian Feng 2022-1-31
编辑:Yongjian Feng 2022-1-31
Just do
Or a complete script:
syms A
syms B
primereq = 18 * A - 8 * B == 0;
segundaeq = -1 * A - 18 * B == 5;
cofval = solve([primereq,segundaeq],[A,B]);
fprintf('El valor de A es %f y el valor de B es %f',cofval.A,cofval.B);

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