Answer from solver includes new variable z2

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We use some equations to calculate the an initial pressure in an air chamber. Three equations that should not lead to redundancy.
syms P_air_initi
V_air_init = ((100000*V_airchamber^1.4)/P_air_initi)^(1/1.4);
x_airfront_init = V_air_init/A_airchamber;
eq6 = P_air_initi -(100000 + rho*g*(H_delivery-(H_airchamber-x_airfront_init))) ==0;
[sol] = solve(eq6,P_air_initi)
x_init = x_airfront_init; % Initial x in the air chamber
P_init = sol; % Initial pressure in air chamber
V_init = V_air_init; % Initial volume air in air chamber
Answer: sol =
(266194982560382061*pi + 1077543584708841800*z2)/(1099511627776*pi)
How do we get to the right solution? Thanks in advance for your effort, A

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