how to filter variables after Pearson correlation test

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am doing the Pearson correlation test to a matrix, using 8 variables. I am getting values from 0.01 to 0.95. How can I filter (eliminate) the variables that have a correlation higher than 0.95 (in pairs)? I am looking to have an array with those variables, like this: [var1 var5 var6 var7]
I thank you in advance,
Best regards,


Enrico Gambini
Enrico Gambini 2022-2-3
编辑:Enrico Gambini 2022-2-3
I didn' fully get your question.
If you want to delete the variable columns from the matrix you can do the following:
%I will call your matrix "M"
M(:,[2:4,8])=[];% this will delete columns 2,3,4,8
Hope that this could be helpful

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