How to calculate the wavelet packet energy for the attached dataset in MATLAB?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
Please explain me how to calculate the wavelet packet energy for the attached dataset in MATLAB
My dataset is long having more than 50,000 rows and two columns(time domain and Fx values)
The data set is attached to this question.
In the dataset first column indicates the time in seconds and the second column indicates force in newton.
So, basically, it's a time-domain signal and needs to convert to time-frequency domain for the calculation of wavelet packet energy.
Details are below:
Wavelet packet of db4 to decompose the original signal at level-3
  1 个评论
Sharmin Kibria
Sharmin Kibria 2022-5-23
You can use modwpt to calculate the packet energy for the signal. You can choose the wavelet name and level when you use the function. The second column of your data will be the input to modwpt function.


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