Hi, I am trying to run a HITL simulation on a pixhawk 4 mini using the px4 support package. I need to enable MAVLINK on /dev/ttyS1 (TELEM1) port on the pixhawk as this is where I have an onboard computer processing sesnor data and sending it via MAVROS (MAVLINK) to the pixhawk.
The connection works when booting the pixhawk without rc.txt. I know in the old version you could add some lines to rc.txt and start mavlink on a spercific port, however now (in 2021a) there is a GUI option to activate mavlink in the hardware settings for the model. Here you can only activate mavlink over /dev/ttyACM0. This is an issue as i need the USB to monitor and tune and i need to run mavros over the TELEM port.
Is there a way to enable mavlink on a spercific port ive treid using the lines in rc.txt from the old version which did'nt work, anyone have any insight i cant find much documentation on this.
Cheers :)