- All the inbuilt base maps of MATLAB display the country names. To remove it, you can create a custom base map by using the “addCustomBasemap” function
- You can refer to the following documentation to know about “addCustomBasemap” function: https://in.mathworks.com/help/map/ref/addcustombasemap.html
- In “geobubble” function, changing the edge color of bubbles is not supported by MATLAB.
- To know more about the properties of “geobubble” function you can refer to the following documentation: https://in.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/matlab.graphics.chart.geographicbubblechart-properties.html
How can I hide the country boundaries in a Basemap?
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Hi everyone,
I plotted a figure using geobubble and I would like to customize it.
For example, I would like to hide the country names and the country/regions boundaries from the Basemap (they are automatically displayed when selecting different basemap). Moreover, I am not able to change the edge color of the bubbles (they are automatically displayed in color white).
Thanks in advance for your help,
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回答(1 个)
Srija Kethiri
Hi Ariana,
I understand that you are using “geobubble” function to create the maps and want to remove the displayed country names and change the edge colour of bubbles.
Hope this helps!
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