LTSPICE,how to Import ltspice circuit by matlab

27 次查看(过去 30 天)
hello every one
ltspice s.w including some components as A\D converter some of it's types optimum design
how can i recall this design and open it with matlab?

回答(1 个)

Rahul 2024-9-18
Hi @muh,
I understand that you wish to find a way to use components created using the 'LTSPICE' software in MATLAB.
You can utilize the function 'subcircuit2ssc' to convert SPICE sub circuits to Simscape components.
You can also use this submission on MATLAB File Exchange to convert '.raw' files from the LTSPICE simulator to MATLAB:
You can refer to the following Mathworks documentation to know more about 'subcircuit2ssc':
Hope this helps ! Thanks.


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