plot figures using a for loop and subplot function

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a dataset of around 180 columns of data to be plotted with respect to another constant dataset. My initial try was to plot the datasets using a for loop for different combinations of the data using a looping command and subplot function. I have succeeded in plotting for around 15-20 but then i noticed that the loop command cannot be fixed at the next index for the next set of plots.
for i = 1:15
subplot (5,3,i)
plot (outdoor_temp,D(:,i), "r *")
xlabel ('Outdoor tempe(C)')
ylabel ('Energy load')
title (var{i})
for i = 16:30
subplot (5,3,i)
plot (outdoor_temp,D(:,i), "r *")
xlabel ('Outdoor tempe(C)')
ylabel ('Energy load')
title (var{i})

回答(1 个)

KSSV 2022-2-14
编辑:KSSV 2022-2-14
If you want in two different figure:
for i = 1:15
subplot (5,3,i)
plot (outdoor_temp,D(:,i), "r *")
xlabel ('Outdoor tempe(C)')
ylabel ('Energy load')
title (var{i})
for i = 16:30
subplot (5,3,i-15) % <---- subtract 15 here
plot (outdoor_temp,D(:,i), "r *")
xlabel ('Outdoor tempe(C)')
ylabel ('Energy load')
title (var{i})


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