Keep getting error 96 - license manager

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Mateus 2014-12-2
回答: Riya 2023-10-13
Hey, I keep getting error 96 saying the license manager couldn't connect to the host or whatever. The point is, I didn't want at all to install the license manager! I shouldn't do it! So the first time I've install matlab I installed with the License Manager. As I realized I shouldn't, I've delete everything and reinstalled it, without the license manager this time, but I keep getting the same error!! Is the license manager localized in other part in my computer? Why I keep getting the same erro 96?! How to complete uninstall the license manager, or matlab if necessary?
I'm using a mac, Yosemite.

回答(1 个)

Riya 2023-10-13
Hello Mateus,
I see that you are getting License related error and unable to connect to licensed server.
Please note that, this error message indicates that there is a problem resolving the hostname of the license manager machine. The license server's hostname must be resolvable for MATLAB to connect to it. 
For instructions to resolve this error, please see the link below provided by MathWorks Support Team:
I hope it helps!


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