Creating a depth map from the disparity map function

26 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone, I am having trouble with the following code:
I want to create a depth map from the disparityBM function, by applying the equation of , where z is the depth, f is the focal length, b is the baseline and d is the disparity.
However, the depth map I receive is not intuitive, as ideally the object in white should be in black and the background around it should be in white.
Please can I request guidance on how to fix my code? Thank you!

回答(1 个)

Qu Cao
Qu Cao 2022-2-17
You can use reconstructScene for your workflow.
  3 个评论
Qu Cao
Qu Cao 2022-2-17
You need to call rectifyStereoImages before calling reconstructScene. See the following example:
Arijit Bhattacharyya
@Qu Cao When we call rectifyStereoImages before calling reconstructScene we get the following error:



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