How can I use the Optimize Live Editor (GA) to train my Neural Network in Neural Network Toolbox?

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How can I use the Optimize Live Editor (GA) to train my Neural Network in Neural Network Toolbox?
I already train my Neural Network in Neural Network Toolbox,but i want to use Optimize Live Editor (GA) train it.
please help me.
my Neural Network code
function [Y,Xf,Af] = neural_function(X,~,~)
%NEURAL_FUNCTION neural network simulation function.
% Auto-generated by MATLAB, 11-Feb-2022 19:37:00.
% [Y] = neural_function(X,~,~) takes these arguments:
% X = 1xTS cell, 1 inputs over TS timesteps
% Each X{1,ts} = 5xQ matrix, input #1 at timestep ts.
% and returns:
% Y = 1xTS cell of 1 outputs over TS timesteps.
% Each Y{1,ts} = 1xQ matrix, output #1 at timestep ts.
% where Q is number of samples (or series) and TS is the number of timesteps.
% Input 1
x1_step1.xoffset = [0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1];
x1_step1.gain = [2.5;2.5;2.5;2.5;2.5];
x1_step1.ymin = -1;
% Layer 1
b1 = [2.9865029691724305216;-0.009064266260026860797;0.24422956785055277562;-0.38818650527125753147;-0.00121737746058344894;7.0547127965623288918e-06;-0.001554714812014473032;-1.0658296516979721691;0.00078570252127383593838;-6.5802863327964338804e-05;-1.9265004823840978796e-05;0.14714830675210521793;-0.0012909918493250360956;2.2700526355070582154e-05;-0.00032123991742770917866;-8.4753557414006059018e-05;0.31262123672374836358;1.4258757106989019547;-2.8407301097576895466e-05;-0.021687696627408509925;-0.0076376163522239659889;-0.0023241005338868352993;0.56778299732397552457;-0.10619158584408494583;0.84578778536499465979];
IW1_1 = [0.40163878207283965072 -1.1748567700733358876 -1.8958876010335652396 3.4465942215088061218 1.3141589400003639287;-0.024052697783613671834 0.028297775073556283298 -0.023476511354860809394 -0.017582323239315147956 0.0037891178641278511381;-0.43943185317667615708 0.91589520756889486464 1.3099107712082895816 1.2990468333632141373 1.8347689350535016928;-1.6727139335919924967 0.48304586487029882447 0.14940432860922739366 -3.1312968363667601501 -0.64067288062424465611;-0.0030820370603471419248 0.0032323127350224814536 -0.0034337816789845520757 -0.0028236638057865322445 -7.3437020403620303075e-05;3.3217674307244912494e-05 -7.7841280428434219741e-05 -9.7250247690744063596e-06 -3.2172797931317736358e-05 -6.0253243659185453079e-05;-0.0039899330127744067273 0.0043352810850263885645 -0.004281427641663355238 -0.0034359445887194380205 0.00011900248024175682658;0.24356019703570860879 -4.0031726098980611184 -0.11548762116665357846 -2.1052379470892010893 4.0438296312696806467;0.0019286342230176551586 -0.0018531810749428260024 0.0023329255406054987508 0.0020136827830305984062 0.00028655037951234776233;-0.00017629908232770784325 0.00021207522022153528062 -0.00016688172276469503464 -0.00012194936177781790236 3.4381568901484896056e-05;-5.1803666587537709298e-05 6.2815831496355764791e-05 -4.8493412649100644661e-05 -3.5106067772980755327e-05 1.0812022954686571907e-05;-2.0091058920326858583 3.8664469184256731182 -1.1116521186486938433 -0.56623374154270145198 2.9041811865080116029;-0.0033777766797339729699 0.0038487227761277191182 -0.0034304881844204925326 -0.0026487996016176323065 0.00035424534108146547417;6.1924643625522627971e-05 -7.7415828531150578172e-05 5.543823879845007611e-05 3.8576332549164744185e-05 -1.6228384149501543789e-05;-0.00084847209766424644493 0.00098838403757133875584 -0.00083821603934328028744 -0.00063388006970016509602 0.00011966377482536810089;-0.00023051365086382622068 0.00028639879081161193249 -0.0002083031647454178703 -0.00014619210389673354127 5.7882377048699966578e-05;-3.1503884787201936746 1.771205697283220637 -0.43779150628171864534 -0.65222117952180813649 -1.5263496494189545682;-2.1544551679141652478 -1.7562631166924804749 3.134175341297840589 2.5191762701697881788 2.3477858761090439899;-7.5966582255109548556e-05 9.1005902012689950499e-05 -7.2317803311438817824e-05 -5.3095576490977655138e-05 1.4280467007602694614e-05;-0.055322051095253926833 0.059048503533220199346 -0.060584685407803172408 -0.049341558389919742966 0.00015952884082230973516;-0.019356149479012589587 0.02034952538899969382 -0.021513716064362409935 -0.017666911437217658332 -0.00039009195641193924542;-0.005926521228208661736 0.0063346421058169365137 -0.006473478196228486109 -0.0052563761694466156968 2.7939919272976440487e-05;-0.18877703933830708438 0.19110217272585305892 -2.429275346200745922 -0.12758965251900525328 2.3721372872029311552;-0.1531979359845254407 -0.26456124976659584069 -1.3425014151386067685 -0.82145504326954821295 -1.1098494573350627945;2.9302040977499208552 -0.47818785146804587693 0.87279786725327612729 0.31958542776415305164 2.4332287916931818472];
% Layer 2
b2 = 0.43719679420681517579;
LW2_1 = [0.12900968557139877446 -0.0040122898015782053338 0.074258517880041841064 0.26767879027464680508 -0.00049020812460692092527 7.8999556815895851416e-06 -0.00064378543674892979055 0.93196899542717093201 0.00029644393706173806716 -2.9694867659539414897e-05 -8.7559351578248650839e-06 0.2469641279261109712 -0.00055588123854804247052 1.0608216255343575748e-05 -0.00014094878043353410192 -3.9380606844584463097e-05 -0.036424310186927127964 -0.41522530436649596197 -1.2772495213092260947e-05 -0.0088449727950510315111 -0.0030809557260261773506 -0.0009498675202731438668 -0.37074086108567760878 -0.099955351761563074331 -0.66614742215652045232];
% Output 1
y1_step1.ymin = -1;
y1_step1.gain = 0.33955857385399;
y1_step1.xoffset = 58.89;
% ===== SIMULATION ========
% Format Input Arguments
isCellX = iscell(X);
if ~isCellX
X = {X};
% Dimensions
TS = size(X,2); % timesteps
if ~isempty(X)
Q = size(X{1},2); % samples/series
Q = 0;
% Allocate Outputs
Y = cell(1,TS);
% Time loop
for ts=1:TS
% Input 1
Xp1 = mapminmax_apply(X{1,ts},x1_step1);
% Layer 1
a1 = tansig_apply(repmat(b1,1,Q) + IW1_1*Xp1);
% Layer 2
a2 = tansig_apply(repmat(b2,1,Q) + LW2_1*a1);
% Output 1
Y{1,ts} = mapminmax_reverse(a2,y1_step1);
% Final Delay States
Xf = cell(1,0);
Af = cell(2,0);
% Format Output Arguments
if ~isCellX
Y = cell2mat(Y);
% ===== MODULE FUNCTIONS ========
% Map Minimum and Maximum Input Processing Function
function y = mapminmax_apply(x,settings)
y = bsxfun(@minus,x,settings.xoffset);
y = bsxfun(@times,y,settings.gain);
y = bsxfun(@plus,y,settings.ymin);
% Sigmoid Symmetric Transfer Function
function a = tansig_apply(n,~)
a = 2 ./ (1 + exp(-2*n)) - 1;
% Map Minimum and Maximum Output Reverse-Processing Function
function x = mapminmax_reverse(y,settings)
x = bsxfun(@minus,y,settings.ymin);
x = bsxfun(@rdivide,x,settings.gain);
x = bsxfun(@plus,x,settings.xoffset);

回答(1 个)

Shubham 2024-1-19
Hi zong,
To use Genetic Algorithm (GA) for optimizing the training of your Neural Network in MATLAB's Neural Network Toolbox, you can follow these theoretical steps:
Step 1: Define the Objective Function
The objective function should measure the performance of your neural network for a given set of parameters. Typically, this is the error function you want to minimize, such as Mean Squared Error (MSE) for a regression problem or cross-entropy for a classification problem.
Step 2: Encode Neural Network Parameters
You need to encode the neural network's parameters (weights and biases) into a format that the genetic algorithm can manipulate. This often involves flattening the parameters into a single vector.
Step 3: Initialize the GA Population
The population should consist of multiple individuals, each representing a different set of neural network parameters. Initialize the population with random values within a specified range.
Step 4: Define the GA Parameters
Set up the parameters for the genetic algorithm, such as population size, crossover rate, mutation rate, and the number of generations.
Step 5: Run the GA
The genetic algorithm will iterate over several generations to optimize the neural network parameters. In each generation, it evaluates the fitness of each individual (using the objective function), selects the best-performing individuals, and applies crossover and mutation to create a new population.
Step 6: Decode and Apply the Best Solution
Once the GA has finished running, decode the best solution from the final population and apply these parameters to your neural network.
Step 7: Validate the Neural Network
After training, validate the performance of the optimized neural network on a separate validation dataset to ensure it generalizes well.
MATLAB Implementation:
To implement this in MATLAB:
  1. Write a fitness function that takes the encoded neural network parameters as input, assigns them to the network, evaluates the network on the training data, and returns the error.
  2. Use MATLAB's "ga" function from the Global Optimization Toolbox to run the genetic algorithm. You will need to pass it your fitness function and specify the number of variables (which should match the length of your encoded parameter vector). Refer to this documentation link:
  3. After the ga function completes, decode the best parameter set and assign it to your neural network.
  4. Test the performance of the optimized network.
Points to be remember:
  • The Genetic Algorithm is a heuristic search and optimization technique that does not guarantee finding the global minimum; it might find a local minimum instead.
  • GAs can be computationally expensive, especially for large neural networks and datasets.
  • You may need to experiment with GA parameters to find a good balance between exploration (diversity of solutions) and exploitation (focusing on the best solutions).
  • It's important to ensure that the neural network parameters encoded for the GA have appropriate bounds to prevent the algorithm from exploring unrealistic solutions.
This approach can be quite complex and computationally intensive, so it should be used when traditional gradient-based optimization methods are not providing satisfactory results or when the error surface is suspected to be multimodal.


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