Update values in a timetable with values and matching dates from a different timetable.

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Hello everyone, I've this problem and I just can't seem to figure it out yet.
Lets say I have a timetable like this:
cashflowdates1 = datetime({'2022-02-18';'2022-07-09';'2023-01-09'});
TT = 3×1 timetable
cashflowdates1 cashflows1 ______________ __________ 18-Feb-2022 -0.542 09-Jul-2022 0.25 09-Jan-2023 10
This is just like output of the cashflows function for a fixedbond instrument in the financial toolbox. That first negative number represents accrued interest.
Since I want to compute the rate of return for an investment, I need to replace that number with the full price I pay for the bond.
Simple enough, right?
TT = 3×1 timetable
cashflowdates1 cashflows1 ______________ __________ 18-Feb-2022 -3.3 09-Jul-2022 0.25 09-Jan-2023 10
And now I can compute the return I wanted.
ans = 2.6536
Now, here's my problem. I would like to do this for multiple cashflows and multiple prices and dates.
So my data actually now looks like this:
cashflowdates1 = datetime({'2022-02-18';'2022-02-19';'2022-02-20';'2022-07-09';'2023-01-09'});
TT = 5×3 timetable
cashflowdates1 cashflows1 cashflows2 cashflows3 ______________ __________ __________ __________ 18-Feb-2022 -0.542 0 0 19-Feb-2022 0 -0.562 0 20-Feb-2022 0 0 -0.58 09-Jul-2022 0.25 0.25 0.25 09-Jan-2023 10 10 10
initialinvestmentTT = 3×1 timetable
initialinvestmentdates initialinvestment ______________________ _________________ 18-Feb-2022 -3.3 19-Feb-2022 -3.4 20-Feb-2022 -3.2
Is there a way to update the cashflow timetable with the data of the initialinvestment timetable?
  2 个评论
Ive J
Ive J 2022-2-19
Why do you have several cashflows variables in table TT? Wouldn't it be easier to merge all?
dts = datetime({'2022-02-18';'2022-02-19';'2022-02-20';'2022-07-09';'2023-01-09'});
cashflow = [-0.542; -0.562; -0.58; 0.25; 10];
ttab = timetable(dts, cashflow, 'DimensionNames', {'date', 'Variables'})
ttab = 5×1 timetable
date cashflow ___________ ________ 18-Feb-2022 -0.542 19-Feb-2022 -0.562 20-Feb-2022 -0.58 09-Jul-2022 0.25 09-Jan-2023 10
initinvest = [-3.3; -3.4; -3.2];
initdts = datetime({'2022-02-18';'2022-02-19';'2022-02-20'});
itab =timetable(initdts, initinvest, 'DimensionNames', {'date', 'Variables'})
itab = 3×1 timetable
date initinvest ___________ __________ 18-Feb-2022 -3.3 19-Feb-2022 -3.4 20-Feb-2022 -3.2
[idx1, idx2] = ismember(ttab.date, itab.date);
ttab.cashflow(idx1) = itab.initinvest(idx2(idx1));
date cashflow ___________ ________ 18-Feb-2022 -3.3 19-Feb-2022 -3.4 20-Feb-2022 -3.2 09-Jul-2022 0.25 09-Jan-2023 10
Max Simonelli
Max Simonelli 2022-2-19
Thanks for the reply. There's a reason for that. I need each cashflow as a separte vector for imput into the xirr function.
Merging all cashflows into one, gives me only one result. But I need to come up with a vector of returns, one for each cashflow.


回答(1 个)

Sufiyan 2023-12-21
Hello Max,
You can refer to the code below.
cashflowdates1 = datetime({'2022-02-18';'2022-02-19';'2022-02-20';'2022-07-09';'2023-01-09'});
cashflows1 = [-0.542; 0; 0; 0.25; 10];
cashflows2 = [0; -0.562; 0; 0.25; 10];
cashflows3 = [0; 0; -0.58; 0.25; 10];
TT = timetable(cashflowdates1, cashflows1, cashflows2, cashflows3)
TT = 5×3 timetable
cashflowdates1 cashflows1 cashflows2 cashflows3 ______________ __________ __________ __________ 18-Feb-2022 -0.542 0 0 19-Feb-2022 0 -0.562 0 20-Feb-2022 0 0 -0.58 09-Jul-2022 0.25 0.25 0.25 09-Jan-2023 10 10 10
initialinvestment = [-3.3; -3.4; -3.2];
initialinvestmentdates = datetime({'2022-02-18'; '2022-02-19'; '2022-02-20'});
initialinvestmentTT = timetable(initialinvestmentdates, initialinvestment)
initialinvestmentTT = 3×1 timetable
initialinvestmentdates initialinvestment ______________________ _________________ 18-Feb-2022 -3.3 19-Feb-2022 -3.4 20-Feb-2022 -3.2
for i = 1:length(initialinvestment)
% Find the index of the minimum value in each column of cash flows
[~, minIndex] = min(TT{1:end, i});
TT{minIndex, i} = initialinvestment(i);
TT = 5×3 timetable
cashflowdates1 cashflows1 cashflows2 cashflows3 ______________ __________ __________ __________ 18-Feb-2022 -3.3 0 0 19-Feb-2022 0 -3.4 0 20-Feb-2022 0 0 -3.2 09-Jul-2022 0.25 0.25 0.25 09-Jan-2023 10 10 10
xirr_result = zeros(length(initialinvestment), 1);
for i = 1:length(initialinvestment)
xirr_result(i) = xirr(TT{:, i}, TT.Properties.RowTimes, 0.1, 5, 1);
xirr_result = 3×1
2.6536 2.5445 2.8179
Hope it helps!


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